Literacy research is rich with direction for classroom teachers, but there is so much to weed through! If you’re a classroom teacher, do you have time to sort through decades of research and cull through sometimes politically-charged information which can be, let’s be honest, a bit of a cure for insomnia?
I often tell teachers who are already taxed beyond their limits, it’s my job to read research and translate it into practical use for classroom teachers, literacy coaches, and literacy specialists. My colleagues call me a research nerd and I’ll happily accept the characterization! I love to read research and imagine how findings manifest in classrooms.
Should all research-based literacy instruction look alike? No way! In fact, we’ll discover how to adjust research based on the needs of the kids in front of you today!
Let’s figure this out together! Working alongside classroom teachers in collaborative professional learning is my great passion and I’ve learned to separate substantive, well-corroborated research from less significant findings. Read on to discover how we might work together!

Meet Ellin Oliver Keene
Ellin has been a classroom teacher, staff developer, non-profit director and adjunct professor of reading and writing. For sixteen years she directed staff development initiatives at the Denver-based Public Education & Business Coalition. She served as Deputy Director and Director of Literacy and Staff Development for the Cornerstone Project at the University of Pennsylvania for 4 years. Ellin works with schools and districts throughout the country and abroad. Her emphasis is long-term, school-based professional development and strategic planning for literacy learning.
How We Can Work Together
Learning Intensives
Customized, in-person, long-range planning
Workshops and Inservices
Single or multiple day in-person collaboration
Online Professional Learning
Customized online learning
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Now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Apply to receive on-site professional learning pro bono except for travel expenses.
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The Literacy Studio. Tools to re-think your workshop structure and strategically plan for integrating reading and writing. Isn’t it time?