What Others Say

Aeriale Johnson, Staff Developer, Teachers College Reading and Writing Project
“Keene turns her thinking into something tangible, something educators can grab onto and use straightaway. I finished the book (Engaging Children) on a Tuesday, I integrated the four pillars of engagement she illustrates—intellectual urgency, emotional resonance, perspective bending, and the world of the aesthetic—into my instruction on Wednesday… Ellin Oliver Keene is just the kind of thinker our profession needs. She has a thought process that leads no stone unturned. She questions our collective assumptions and her own. Somehow, Keene leads us closer to the answers while leaving us with more and more complex questions that those with which we began.”
Jess Lifshitz, 5th grade teacher, Meadowbrook Elementary, Northbrook, IL
“In a world that is increasingly focused on asking teachers to use programs that center on isolated skill practice and scripted lessons, Ellin reminds us of what the research says in her books and her work in schools with teachers and students. If kids aren’t engaged, they will not remember their learning or be able to apply it in new situations… Ellin returns the students themselves to the center of their own learning and asks teachers to join her on a journey toward helping students help themselves to become engaged learners.”
Cathy Taschner, Superintendent of Schools, Schuylkill Valley School District, PA
"Indeed, the quality of Ellin's work is a direct reflection of her passion, intellect and heart…. I’ll call it “the EOK trifecta”! From the first time I read her work (and I read Mosaic in ONE sitting) to the moment I walked into the school and saw her on the floor with my mesmerized kids, there were two things that my kids and I both knew: #1 We absolutely knew exactly what she read and what it meant. We had answers, we had questions and we were excited about both. #2 We knew she loved them."
Bridget Rieth, 5th Grade Teacher, East Grand Rapids, Michigan
“It has been a privilege to observe and process with a master teacher like Ellin Keene. The opportunity to be immersed in this work with my students is a gift that energizes and feeds my teacher soul.”
Jill Bradley, Instructional Coach, Tillman Elementary, Manatee County, Florida
"Ellin has been the single, most important influence on my craft. She brings her deep knowledge of research, genuine care for all children and their thinking, impeccable eye for compelling literature and art, her joy for teaching and facilitation finesse to the table. Ellin always, leaves us enlightened and braver teachers. The days are too few and we follow her to the parking lot, hugging and waving. She is a part of us."
Jody Madden, Willowbrook Elementary, Northbrook IL
"Ellin’s work in our district has been absolutely transformational- both professionally and personally! With Ellin’s unprecedented guidance and support, we have set out on an exciting journey and continuous path to help students (and teachers alike) deepen their comprehension, appreciate the beautiful moments of thinking and discovering, and truly engage in the love of learning. If afforded the pleasure of working with Ellin, be prepared to be changed forever."